Plane-parallel optics are transparent components or systems with two or more parallel surfaces. Measuring them with an interferometer can be challenging, as all of the parallel surfaces can contribute interference fringes, making measurement extremely difficult or impossible.
A new method makes it possible to exclude all but the surface of interest so that measurements can be made of both surfaces, and transmitted wavefront error, optical thickness and homogeneity can be calculated as well.
4D will be hosting a webinar on measure plane-parallel surfaces using the Surface Isolation Source for the AccuFiz Fizeau Interferometer. The webinar will take place January 12 at 1pm Eastern Standard Time. Save your seat for the event today!
A new method makes it possible to exclude all but the surface of interest so that measurements can be made of both surfaces, and transmitted wavefront error, optical thickness and homogeneity can be calculated as well.
4D will be hosting a webinar on measure plane-parallel surfaces using the Surface Isolation Source for the AccuFiz Fizeau Interferometer. The webinar will take place January 12 at 1pm Eastern Standard Time. Save your seat for the event today!