We are often asked whether options are available to update
older fringe analysis and phase-shifting interferometers to a more modern state
of operation. The good news is that there are, in fact, several upgrade options for
improving, or even reviving, older instruments to stretch their useful life.
Visual fringe analysis (or inspection) systems are
mechanically simple, but they rely on an operator, or external software, to
analyze the interferograms and estimate the shape errors in the test part. Upgrading the analysis software is an
excellent ways to add power to these systems. In many cases converting a system
to temporal phase shifting is an option; adding a piezo driven phase-shifter
can significantly improving measurement quality and
enabling a wider array of data analysis options.
Older phase-shifting laser interferometers greatly benefit
from modern software and a computer upgrade. In some cases, a newer, lower
noise camera can be added to improve resolution and repeatability.
Instruments from Buccini, ADE Phase Shift and Kugler with upgrades from 4D Technology.